The national technology transfer program GeneNovate is part of the National Strategy for Gene and Cell Therapies and trains early researchers and clinicians the basics of patenting, licensing and entrepreneurship. Attendees team up with a pool of experts and mentors from the business world and join forces with successful guest start-ups, VCs and business angels to develop their own ideas into a true product.
Become part of the GeneNovate community!
The final event of the GeneNovate pilot series will display our achievements: Enthusiastic scientists from various scientific institutions in Berlin, Mainz and Munich including the Technical University Munich, TUM VentureLabs, the Johannes Gutenberg University and Universitätsmedizin of Mainz, Berlin Institute of Health and Charité participate in the GeneNovate pilot series. They will pitch their innovations to a top-class jury of experienced VC and business angel investors.
After the pitches there will be room for networking with stakeholders of the biomedicine entrepreneurship ecosystem with representatives from the business and investor community, politicians and journalists, scientists, start-ups and mentors.
We look forward to a day full of medical innovation, fruitful exchange and new business opportunities.
See you there!